Vegetable Pizzadilla

I am getting excited for holiday THINGS but not the holidays. Not yet.

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Like, pumpkin everything and, better yet, PEPPERMINT everything.

Check out these super sweet Pringles. And I just bought this soap yesterday. And I’m about to take my second shower of the day because of it. Double win.

And on a non-peppermint note, this needs to be in my belly now. And this already is in my belly.

But here’s a totally non peppermint or even sweet thing. But it is ‘sweet’ in the awesome sense. Hello, pizzadilla.

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This isn’t a technical recipe. This is just from Pinterest, but specifically from The Key Ingredient.

— tortilla + pizza (or pasta) sauce + black olives + bell peppers + spinach + tomatoes + mozzarella cheese

— stick it on a greased skillet over medium heat, let it toast for a few minutes, flip, and continue until slightly crispy on each side

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