Healthy Chocolate Mint Smoothie

I have so much to tell you.

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First of all, if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I have started the Low FODMAP Diet. Quick 101: FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols. These are sugars/carbohydrates found in foods that can trigger IBS. You can find more here, but I just wanted to fill you in on the change that Skinny Muffin is about to see for the next couple weeks and maybe forever.

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I started yesterday, so today is Day 2, but I feel a lot better. Already. It’s pretty miraculous. If you’re interested in FODMAP, I am posting some of my lunches on Instagram. They are currently pretty bland (rice, quinoa, salad, hard-boiled eggs) but once I go to the grocery store, I think I can expand my diet a little bit.

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The point is that I decided to have a “one last treat” kind of thing before I started. I think eventually I could have this again, but I’ve seen mixed information on cocoa powder, so I’m staying away for a bit. And nuts [almond butter] are supposed to be eaten in moderation, so I’m not sure when I will be able to have this smoothie again, but let me just say.. I am counting down the DAYS.

This smoothie is delicious. It’s like someone liquified a Thin Mint cookie. And you get the pleasure of having the recipe. My coworker told me about this really awesome blog, Living Healthy With Chocolate, and obviously I started searching for something delicious. I mean, they are all delicious, but something I already had ingredients for.

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With the 80°F weather, you deserve this. Life is hard. School, work, late nights, finding time for the gym, everything. You deserve a delicious beverage. Side note: I think this would be amazing with Bailey’s Irish Cream. Next time??

Healthy Chocolate Mint Shake
Adapted slightly from Living Healthy With Chocolate

1/2 c cold water
1 banana, frozen
1/4 c cocoa powder
2 tbsp almond butter
Splash of mint extract (1/8 tsp if you have it)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Blend in a blender or Magic Bullet.

Peach Berry Smoothie

Did you know the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is breakfast?

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Usually that’s cereal or oatmeal with peanut butter, but today it was a smoothie.

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Creamy, light, refreshing and very fruity. Sometimes you need to set aside the grain and reach for the fruit.

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Peach Berry Smoothie
Serves 2

1/2 c blackberries
1 c peaches
1 c raspberries
1/2 c plain Greek yogurt
1 c soymilk
1/4 c water

Blend all.


Tropical Smoothie

Now this, my friends, is a fruit smoothie.

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No kale, no chia seeds or oats, nothing hippie about it. Just plain ol’, straight up, fruity.

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This is one of those close-your-eyes-and-pretend-you’re-on-a-tropical-island smoothies. A Jimmy Buffett meets breakfast concoction. On my summer bucket list was make a peach raspberry smoothie. Well, this has neither peaches nor raspberries but I’m counting it. It’s equally summery and delicious.

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Stay tuned and maybe you’ll get a peach raspberry smoothie, too…

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Tropical Smoothie

1 banana
1/3 c chopped pineapple
1/3 c chopped mango
1/3 c plain Greek yogurt
1/4-1/2 c (depending on desired thickness) orange juice

1. Blend all!

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Hello, summer.

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Now, my blender isn’t tip top, hence the strawberry particles, but it does make a delicious smoothie.

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Oats allow fullness, chia seeds create thickness, and banana and strawberries provides sweetness.

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Go. Go make this. Embrace the summerness.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

1 banana
1/2 c strawberries (fresh or frozen, I used frozen)
1 tbsp old-fashioned oats
1/2 tbsp chia seeds
1/4 c plain Greek yogurt
1/4-1/2 c plain soymilk, depending on how thick/thin you want it

1. Combine all in a blender and blend until smooth.

**Note: Letting the smoothie sit in the refrigerator for a couple hours allows the chia seeds and oats to absorb a lot of moisture, which thickens the smoothie. This is an option for thick-smoothie lovers.